I would have never thought that a lady would ever take off such beautiful rings.
Maslow’s map is probably the best version of the secret to a happy life that there is. Life demands that you start at the bottom, without air you’ll die in minutes, without food and water a little longer, and depending on where you are, without clothing and shelter times can vary. Without reproduction, you’re gene pool, your contribution to evolution will die out in your lifetime, which is a really important factor missed in the rainbow generation.
You have to complete every item on a level before you can move beyond that level. if you have all the items in Love and Belonging but you don’t have your health, you’re still on level two. The goal is to reach as far up as you can, notice there is no finance section.
Where do you fit in society
In relation to evolution, 80 years ago there was a crazy little man with a silly little moustache who wanted to make the best humans possible, if you google the tallest people on earth by average, you’ll find they live nearby in Denmark.
I guess the difficulty is, by historical evolutionary terms, I’m an alpha male, the tall, strong person in the community who keeps people out of harms way and steps forward to rescue those in need. See the video.
In the modern world, unfortunately the underpinning values that make an alpha are lost to capitol ability, that being, the hunter gatherer is lost to Uber Eats, security can be bought, either by private security or by massive gated mansions, and the ability to provide is one that is mostly financial. But, look at the divorce rate.
Being a real husband.
As a former car guy, your typical hoon, streetcar, muscle car type youth I found the passion for motoring that became a deep seated value in my life. Now I’m going to stitch a few things together here, so keep up.
Famously, the movie Gone in 60 seconds, all the cars were named after girls, and boats/vessels, are also girls (female), hence the definition of husbandry. Husbandry is taking care of the “girl”, tending to her needs, having the products required to tend to her needs and requirements, to keep her in tip top condition.
As a car, and now a boat guy, I have heaps of products to keep my gear in tip top shape. As a husband, or boyfriend, what products do you have for your female partner, to care for her, to tend to her needs, to comfort and protect her, so she can feel valued and cared for, with tenderness.
As a general rule, I’d suggest you invest in a massage table, and give your partner a 1 hr oil massage at least once a week, have a picnic basket and go on at least 1 picnic a fortnight (that you plan yourself), go on at least one day trip per month, and have a date night each week. I’d also suggest having a bath run for her when she gets home on a Friday, with candles and a bottle of wine, and having simple items like a sponge and lotions to assist the process (which are for you to use on her). It’s important that you also then leave her alone, to relax, in which time you can make dinner.
Find yourself
After my divorce, I was fortunate to live and house sit the residence of a famous sportsperson and his wife. I’d known these people for a while, and in some regard, they were also keeping an eye on me after what was a difficult time, even though they were mostly away traveling with work.
The residence itself, was beautiful, up a hill, large verandahs and polished timber floors, and it’s these floors, that are normally acoustic, earned me the nick name of “Silent Jesus”. Silent for obvious reasons, but I’m not sure of the “Jesus” reference, as if I startled them or if it’s the large amount of charity work I was doing, maybe both.
The token of love
The token of love is a pretty simple one. The token of love is awarded to those I’ve fallen head over heels in love with. The awardee, is capable of asking for anything, particularly salvation in a time of need and I will move heaven and earth to create that of which she needs. No valley too deep, no mountain too high, no ocean too wide.
There are 11 awardee’s to date, and are not ranked, only listed in chronological order.
Bridgette, Chantal, Nicole, Jade, Laura, Natalie, Tracey, Ellen, Tiffany, Amanda and Tina.
It’s this dedication, absolute devotion, of love and self sacrifice which I uphold has my greatest honour of service.
It’s the underpinning values of “the token of love” which became the innovation of the Australian Watercraft Registry I.D. tag system which is commercially available from the website.