Anything is possible when you know how.


Along with my training in management theory and practice, and managing high performance organisations, I’ve run my own businesses and have regularly conducted audits to ensure company performance and revenue is at a maximum.  Every business is different, and each has its own unique macro and micro challenges, and we adapt and evolve to the situations we face to ensure stability, growth, revenue and leadership in the market.


Successful marketing comes from research, knowing you target audience and being confident of your value proposition, and knowing where you sit relative to your competition.  Once this is established, I can set about making a strategy focusing on the demographic in your target audience to whom each campaign is designed to reach.  You might have different products and services and one strategy may not suit all situations.


Advertising is similar to marketing, it just allows you to be more creative but still very much relies on your ability to know your audience.  Knowing that the person who purchases the product may not be the end user and crafting the message accordingly.  I’m very much aware that psychology plays a big part, and often it’s about how the consumer sees themselves and the position they want to fulfill in their peer groups. 

Business Development Manager

Simply I use my experience and qualifications to craft your business in to the entity it needs to be, identifying it’s strengths and weaknesses, value proposition, threats from competition, if the messages put out in marketing and advertising are working and look to see if we need to reposition or rebrand.  I am involved regularly in innovation allowing companies to have a stronger offering to their customers and to reach and expand into new markets.


Achieving high sales is important, but often to generalised.  Having a strong revenue stream is critical, but often people say they are great at sales but that’s rubbish.  Sales comes from great marketing and advertising, reaching the target demographics, having a quality product or service and fantastic in store experiences.  Price point does play a part, but if your message delivery is fantastic, customers will aspire to own your product.


Train people so well they could leave and treat them well, so they don’t want to.” Richard Branson.  Everything is just so much easier if people are great at what they do, sometimes you have the opportunity to employ great people, sometimes you have to craft them yourself.  I’m a huge fan of Simon Sinek, and I believe what he believes, and I see his ideals as the way of the future.


I’ve been absolutely crushing it in innovation over the last couple of years, and the increasing access to great technology and adapting it to future needs has been instrumental, openness to new ideas is also key.

How much money is enough, is there such a thing as being too successful?  

Let’s get together for a chat

Regards.      Adam F.